Assalamualaikum and selamat tgh hari my sepatukaca sekalian..tgh ari la sgt...petang dah pun...(smbil mguap) just woke up from sleep...tidur lagi tidur lagi...its already 16:27..gosh..i forgot to text my apple...
well i got fever and running nose + epistaxis all over again.. T_T
hmmm...actuality i dont have any idea to write entry today... but.. still ak mau juga bt entry...>__< sgt keras kepala..hmm... tgh mcari idea yg tepahat tebuku tetanam tesumbat and tetimbus di kepala otak ak yg dah lama berkarat ne....tiba2.... tettt... terigat kata2 kwn ak dua tiga empat hari yg lepas..
dia ckp...
don't ever cheat in relationship..if u are not happy just leave it...(ok ini xda kena mgena dgn my apple okei..)
time tu tgh crita2 psal kisah dia.. adala kan kisahnya...luahan hati gituu mana bole kasi tau.
for tat i dedicate this entry specially to sapa2 yang tgh Broken Heart.. chill la peps... come on...
ITS TIME TO WAKE UP... no need to bersedih sgt,...lap2 airmata tu ok...trutama yg prmpuan tu...hehe..
many people said that..moving on its the best thing to do when we have this heartache or broken heart...
but for me.. moving on ONLY its not good enough...wht u need to do is.....
- cermin diri
- dekatkan diri dgn Allah swt and last but not least
- perbaiki diri..:))