Blogger Widgets

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sakit rindu..!!..haha

adoiii...!!! RINDUNYA... goshhh...
Rindu sgt kat DIA (myapple).. hurmm..
well my apple busy sgt dua tiga empat lima enam tujuh lapan sembilan spuloh hari ne...haha
kerja kan mstila busy..tmbah2 pula time2 hujung tahun mcm ne....
bnyk kerja nk d settle kan dear dg aminah binti zanudin..u need to understand him ok..^_^.. yess i do understand him.. but sometimes i miss him damn much.. and it make my tangan gatal mau text dia.. wlaupun ak tau dia busy... jahatlaa tngan ne.. xbaik tau...and sometimes ak jd serba salah mau text dia.. text atau x text.. yes or no...

Mcmne la bercinta jarak jauh kan..
both of us need a little Patient, TRUST, and Understanding...Weee...:))

even though me and my apple berjauhan.. mcm pic d atas..haha..
but still we get close a day by day... coz i know the more we are separated the more we will love each other...
lgpun.. hubungan jauh2 mcm ne kan best... xpyh slalu jumpa.. and the most important thing is..
"Cinta" between me and my apple akn sentiasa terjaga..and wlaupun citra cinta terindah kami xmcm couple2 yg d luar sna.. but still yet we do believe &  feel the same way as they are.. love my apple..

is just a space in between

My birthday..^_^

on my birthday..

Happy birthday to me..
happy birthday to me...
happy birthday happy birthday..
( nyanyi lagu birthday tu diri sndiri ka.,?..haha)

Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us. 

1st of all.. i want to thanks to my lovely friends yg hadir tuk celebrate by BIRTHDAY,,
actually its gathering party but turn out to be "my birthday party" la pula..(sibuk ja kan..haha)..
anyway a big thanks too...

Siena, Peeya, Fadhema, Aicha, Mie, -also jefri.. thanks sbb dtg wlaupun last minute..:))


"i 'm gonna miss u all"

10/12/10 _______10/12/11_________10/12/12

hahaha... good trick ah smpai bole tolak ak jatuh dlm air..
 anway da best memories ever...

Add caption


Birthday gift from my mum and dad... 
Thanks mama dgn bapa coz always give me support in everything that i do..
going away...-_-

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are,
 the things you never want to lose

Thursday, November 22, 2012

don't ever cheat in relationship

Assalamualaikum and selamat tgh hari my sepatukaca sekalian..tgh ari la sgt...petang dah pun...(smbil mguap) just woke up from sleep...tidur lagi tidur lagi...its already 16:27..gosh..i forgot to text my apple...
well i got fever and running nose + epistaxis all over again.. T_T
hmmm...actuality i dont have any idea to write entry today... but.. still ak mau juga bt entry...>__< sgt keras kepala..hmm...  tgh mcari idea yg tepahat tebuku tetanam tesumbat and tetimbus di kepala otak ak yg dah lama berkarat ne....tiba2.... tettt... terigat kata2 kwn ak dua tiga empat hari yg lepas..
dia ckp...
don't ever cheat in relationship..if u are not happy just leave it...(ok ini xda kena mgena dgn my apple okei..)
time tu tgh crita2 psal kisah dia.. adala kan kisahnya...luahan hati gituu mana bole kasi tau.
for tat i dedicate this entry specially to sapa2 yang tgh Broken Heart.. chill la peps... come on...
ITS TIME TO WAKE UP... no need to bersedih sgt,...lap2 airmata tu ok...trutama yg prmpuan tu...hehe..
 many people said that..moving on its the best thing to do when we have this heartache or broken heart...
but for me.. moving on ONLY its not good enough...wht u need to do is.....

  1. cermin diri
  2. dekatkan diri dgn Allah swt and last but not least
  3. perbaiki diri..:))
kbye... mau text my apple...rindu sda..1 ari aku tdr arine...hmmm

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

my 1st peplum kurung..

assalamualaikum reader..
ketemu lagi....
i got my 1st peplum kurung...well fashion baju kurung zaman skrg kan...ala2 macam baju saloma time dulu..
klu kmurg perasan...fashion2 baju skrg smunya old skull punya fashion..dorg bawa balik fashion2 datuk moyang kita yg dlu..wait.. fashion designer dah xda idea ka mau bt fashion baru..hmm..
tapi cantik rite... fashion lama kadang2 lebih cantik wat dri fashion skrg yg ntah apa2..
i mean fashion yg x cukup kain tu laa...HMM

selepas d touch up

baru jahit xda labuci lg

ok actually peplum kurung ak ne xberapa nak jadi...T_T..
skirt baju kurung peplum ak silap jahit Laa...
aunty tukang jahit tu salah dgr ak ckp skirt dia mau skirt payung... but apa yg dia dgr ialah skirt duyung...
tats y la peplum ak nmpak pelik skit...
spatutnya mcm pic dibawa...  see the different.... :((
peplum kurung
ok bye..tats all...

p/s : sipemiliksepatukaca dlm proses utk mgurangkan post2 yg agak megarut dn mcarut... tu pasai la entry dia pendek2 ja smua..HAHA... hope u enjoy reading it u reader..

~Lunch at Palace Hotel

just a few picture from lunch meeting aritu..
lunch at palace wow wow... bnyaknya mkanan,....@_@.. Mata tu kontrol skit... haha
neway aritu join my sister punya event d palace hotel...saja mau myebokkan diri la tu.. interfrem jew...
actly i dont have any dress for that baju yg ak pakai ne smuanya... pick and match.. well pakai ja apa yg ada.. malas mau beli baju baju...
tema for that event WHITE&BLACK...
so since i aready have that white skirt and also black shawl yg ak pkai time dinner grad day need to buy anything...just pick and match...yeah thats me...everythings that i wear is always pick and match..
even though kadang pick and match ak agak pelik...haha..
but its long as my EYES nampak cantik dan somell..other opinion are not needed...
suka ati saya la mau pkai apa rite... siapa ko mau judge2 apa yg ak pakai.. klu ko tu fesion designer ndak apa jga mau sibukk... tpi selama ak pakai baju2 pelik mcm tu xda pula org perna komplain...smua ckp cantik ja..xda pun ckp hodo or pelik... and sometimes durg puji yg i creative.. pandai match kn baju...(ok yg ini agak perasan)...>_<


Ok gmbr tu xda kaitan dgn entry...saja mau mnunjuk la tu..well dpt anugerah Bajuku paling Vogue masa dinner graduation day diploma nursing usm aritu...haha...
neway.. miss tat time..hmm...
kla tats all entry for today...
sampai ketemu lagi ya sepatukaca skalian..

Friday, November 16, 2012

Give my best on love

halu2.. slamat petang smua..

jiwang lagi2..haha..well i have nothing in my head...everthings full with his thought..OMG... spertinya ak sda digila..astga..gia ba kau itu..haha..:D
silly little entry give my best on love..waitt.. adaka ak sdg bt entry jiwang lg...hmm...
snguh mmbosankn... anda digalakan utk TIDAK mneruskn pmbacaan dlm blog ini..kerna blog ini sedang di landa virus2 chenta..ngerti ya reader smua...dipersila kan keluar...tolong laa...please selamatkan diri anda...

ok since i am in love...
gelila gia...jiwang2...ewww..... wht happen to unbelievable... haha...
OKEY...back to NORMAL...
sbnarnya apa yg ak mau ckp dlm entry ak kali ne..

~I gave u my heart and that's all i can give u..and if that's not enough for you..then i'm not enough for YOU..:((

"when you loves someone.. u want to give him/her the best that u have right?...
but some people doesn't appreciate wht u gave.. or somehow they dont even see that...
so all u can do is stop expecting people to "menghargai"
because the more u expect..the more u will get hurt...or even worst ~disappointed...-___- 

while buat blog walking td.. ak tenampak this a few words ..that full with meaning...
dari kata2 di atas tu..i am 100% agree with that.. bcause i am doing the same things to my apple...^___^
bagi ak this word show you how to give all u have to your partner or spouse 100% of your love without expect nothing in return...sbb dgn cara ne.. kmurang akan rasa lebih lebih lebih and lebih bahagia...and your relationship will always in me..because i already done with that...

DEAR My Apple~ i will never be the best 4 u.. but i will always give you my best :))



Thursday, November 15, 2012

jom kawin...haha

wht a cute title for my entry today...wkwkwkw..
neway... assalamualaikum uolz..lama x hupdate entry kan..
sory banget.. busy yg teramat lah.. well sejak berkerjaya ne i xda masa mau update2..hurmm..haha
bkrjaya la sgt kn...hik2...:)

ok berbalik kepada title entry kali ini..hmm2,...
KAWIN.. waaa..getek sda la mau kawin..haha
MAMA.. mau kawinn..................snyum lebar...^__________^
eh eh eh brani ckp mcm tu dgn mama.. ada kena leter 7 hari 7 mlm kt ruma.. hmm..
i kecik lg la mau kawin..x sedia lg ne mau pikul tgungjawab sbgai seorg gadis yg akan bergelar ISTERI nti..
well mau jadi isteri soleha la katakan..HAHA.. i hope so...doakan ok..heee..:)

my life lately very super duper happily ever after... i cant describe it.. coz all i can say that...
i am so happy with you~!!.. yahh.. euuu la ba.. My siput..xOxO...haha
miss u so much u know...
klu bole ak mau tulis d batu bertapa rindu yg teramat hati ini..then baling batu bata tu d muka dia..Dushhh... padan muka!!.. bru dia tau brtapa sakit & rindunya gf dia ne...HAHAHA..(ktwa jhat)...

Suka hati ja edit gmbr dia kan..beh biarlaa dia x mara punn..:))

11/12/12 : my friend sda pun kawin..alhamdulilahh....tlh slamat d ijabkabulkan...i am hapy 4 her...
may Allah swt bless your marriage my dear friend... smoga bahagia dunia akhirat.. and cpt2 la dpt baby..hihi.. ak pula yg excited kan..bajet2 laitu..haha

My bestie...siapa kawin dlu..haha
happy for her..:)) wink2

someday ak pun akn mcm ne jga...
yeaahhh !!!.. nda sbar laitu..
cuma xtau bila lg...hurmm
well i still have contract tht watink 4 me..
5 years To come..
i have to finish it before kejar all my love things..
i hope HE will be patiently waiting 4 Me...
until then....................
SHAIKH FARHAN BIN HUSSIEN ~ will u marry me??...hahaha
waaa dunia sda tebalik laa...ada pula girl yg propose lelaki jdy husband dia..

kla thats all for today entry...
##sgt mgarut kann..ntah ape2 laa..HAHA..



Tuesday, October 23, 2012

_my Official Page sipemiliksepatukaca...

Haluuu My sepatukaca sekalian...
entry hari ne sgt la minta puji..okk!!.. (dlm bhasa melayu means mengada2..)..haha
apa tajuk entry arine..hmmm

_my Official Page sipemiliksepatukaca...


secara Officialnya sipemiliksepatukaca ada pagenya sendiri...weeee...
actlly.. x prlu pn ada page2 ne.. ak saja laa..
mau bilang try.. test...and cuba.....
well tgk org lain buat page..
tangan ne pun gatal jga mau bt page kan..
eeee... pengikutnya...
tp ikut2 dgn niat yg baik la its not that i copy and paste idea org kann...
all contain in this entry is originally writed by me (sipemiliksepatukaca)..
no copy&paste..share bole la.. kopi2 are not allowed..

btw.._by the way..
to my fans... aisyee... mcm ada kannzz...(perasan)
i mean to all my sepatukaca.. and my friends yg sntiasa suport me dlm menjayakan launching official sipemiliksepatukaca page ne,..
Thanks so much you......
& kpda yg blum meng'Like Page sipemiliksepatukaca...
sila2 la like.. jgn malu and jgn segan2...i dont bait u....hihihi..

neway.. i will be good writer in this blog...
i hope that u all like my entry yg agk sedikit...mengarutt...jap banyak ba bkn skit..haha
all my entry will use bahasa malaysia..english..korea...(kunoon)... and sabahan also..
there is no subtitle for u..
amboii...igt ne tv astro ka ada subtitle..(hehe..ktwa dlm hati)
kamurang faham ba tu kan...
klu x phm.. sila bertanya...
me ne org yg sngat berlemah lembut...awww..

ok thats all for today entry...
Thanks for reading...


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