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Monday, June 18, 2012


Aku sayang ko la sot..
aish.. x phm lg..

yaii..apa ne sayang2..
shut up your mouth and start listening to my WORD..
i lobe u, I LOVE U, i lap u, i hati u, i liver u, i sayang u, sarang hae yo, aku cinta pada mu..
and apa2 lg ungkapan yang d ucapkan utk describe bertapa sayangnya kamu terhadap kekasih kamu..
yaii..sometime people doesn't need that word ok.. people like who?.. wondering,..
people like ME..
dulu i used to like this word,..really like it specially from someone that i used to Loved..
its like my heart skip a beat when he said this word..
but now i dont have that feeling anymore.. and i don't know y...
someone please save me.. rasanya aku ne sda tiada hatii...i cant feel anything anymore...huhu...pity me..
mybe my heart terlalu kebal utk itu semua...mcm kereta kebal kan....hehe..
ok enough for cerita zaman batu aku ok...hahaha

dulu... ak igt perkataan i love u " only for our special one...waa so childish is it..haha..
well dulu bercinta mcm MONYET2..haha..yai.. dont even notice it..haha..
but now..when i grow up and i think again...
the word I LOVE U.. is not only for our special one.. but also for people that we LOVE..
people i love is..
my mum and dad.. my family.. my baby samsung...
my only one..(aka my jodoh)..haha
and the important things..


why do people always SAY this three word to their couple.. 
but not to ALLAH..or their family and friends..
and some people just dont understand..
if we said this three word to other people specially kawan lelaki or prmpuan d public..
cth dlm fb, or that twit2 things.,.
kita diclassification kan sbgai GATAL, SUNDAL and utk yg dah ada bf and gf.. CURANG!!
bkn stakat I LOVE ja.. I MISS u pun jadi propaganda kan..Heboh 1 dunia u..haaha..

well people just said the thing they felt..
so rilek la k..SANTAI
and klu ada org ckp I LOVE kt bf or gf kmu..
why dont you fight for it..
show them that u really LOVE your bf or gf drpda dorg kan..
its like showing that your LOVE is tiada tandingannya..waa... gituu..haha
and knapa perlu brgaduh.. bercerai berai hanya kerana this small thing..
and remember.. some people just want to see u fall.. and if they win.. you LOSE.. :))

at last but not least..
when i say i love u.. really i mean it.. i really love u..
but I LOVE U.. 

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