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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

berJiwank Sebentarr...xD

borink gila babun this morning ow..
xtau mau buat apa..
korea movie------->done. p.s penat ni tgk ndak pndai abis2..haha
games-------------> enough...smlm xtido kot sbb main game..haha
eat--------------> waaa mkn ja keja aku..xpndai gemuk pun... lucky i am need to diet gitu..x)

borink pnya pasal..tiba ja terigat kt blog aku yg dah berkurun aku x buka...dah berkarat...klu nk ckp dah berbulan2 aku x post apa2...F.Y.I pdhl bru 1 bulan ba..Lol..haha
apa mo story ar...
emm....pagi2 ni mood : jiwank skt..haha..menyampah...
pgi2 lg dgr lgu jiwank.. then tiba2 termelekat dgn satu lagu..
aku rasa korg pun msti dah perna dgr kn...
well aku prna dgr jga.. but x brpa minat kn dlu..besala org busy kn...haha.wakluuu...


song by AUBURN : perfect Two...Ceh name lgu ni pun bole tau kan...PERFECT la sgt..
actly i like the melody of this song..why? sgt sempoii...
then i like the lyric..sgt bermakna to me la..hehe..
part aku pling suka..

"Cause you are the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two"

"You can be the prince and I can be your princess
You can be the sweet tooth I can be the dentist
You can be the shoes and I can be the laces
You can be the heart that I spill on the pages"

"Don't know if I could ever be
Without you cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see"

SO sweet RIGHT>>?.. YA bilang,,ish.. btul2 ndak mghayati ba kmu ne..haha


song by COLBIE : You got me..
i guees i like this song more that the 1st one..
why??... bcoz this song dont have to many lyric & it easy to remember...well aku bab2 mengingat ni sloww skt...hehe..

bcoz of aku like2 sgt lgu aku mau nyanyi bole??...haha..banjir+ribut ow..
neway.. this song fully ditujukan to my Muncit...even if u hear this song.. i hope then u will always know that u totally got me 2 me right..hahaha..

ok..bole aku start nyanyi...dont worry i am very good in singing..muka Tembok btul..haha
You're stuck on me
and my laughing eyes
I can't pretend though
I try to hide, I like you
I like you.

I think I felt my heart skip a beat
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe, you got me, yeah
You got me.

The way you take my hand is just so sweet
And that crooked smile of yours
it knocks me off my feet

Oh, I just can't get enough
Find my stoup I need to fill me up
It feels so good it must be love
It's everything that I've been dreaming of.
I give up. I give in. I let go. Let's begin.
Cause no matter what I do,
Oh (oh) my heart is filled with you.

I can't imagine what it'd be like
Livin each day in this life, without you.
Without you.

One look from you I know you understand
This mess we're in
you know is just so out of hand.

Oh, I just can't get enough
Find my stoup I need to fill me up
It feels so good it must be love
It's everything that I've been dreaming of.
I give up. I give in. I let go. Let's begin.
Cause no matter what I do,
Oh (oh) my heart is filled with you.

I hope we always feel this way
I know we will
and in my heart I know that
you'll always stay

Oh, I just can't get enough
Find my stoup I need to fill me up
It feels so good it must be love
I give up. I give in. I let go. Let's begin.
Cause no matter what I do
Oh, I just can't get enough
Find my stoup I need to fill me up
It feels so good it musIt's everything that I've been dreaming of.t be love
I give up. I give in. I let go. Let's begin.
Cause no matter what I do,
Oh (oh) my heart is filled with you.

Oh (oh)
You got me. You got me.
Oh (oh)
You got me. You got me.

------->thats all from now.. 
aku mau p mandi dlu...haha..eeee blumm mandi kan..xD...big LOL..
well my muncit this i what i want to tell u.. your future wife ini slalu lmbt mandi...kuang3..
NEWAY,,nti klu me ada kelapangan masa or doing nothing i promise to update my blog ok...sory for the reader and thanks for reading this stupid+crazy blog...haha.. daa,,,


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