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Saturday, February 12, 2011

My LIfe "TO do List".....

dLM ke'busy'an aku ne pun smpat kg post entry kan...uhu..bukan pa.. saja nk luahkan hati dan perasaan ne...uhu..dlm entry to do list ne..aku nk bg describtion kt korg tertapa.. & teramat busynya aku.. uhu.. bkan busy sbb apa.. busy buat benda yg xda faedah..sala cnthnya,,,pa aku sdg wat skrg ne...ckp busy tpi ada masa lak post entry kan... apa punya bngong la ko ne dyg...hahaha..neway.. dlm masa2 kesibukan ne.. aku still ada masa tuk diri aku sndiri la.. bkn 25hour study kan... nak mampos ke ape>>?.. bila igt sal dulu2 kan time skolah...
sedar diri la kan skt dari mana aku bermula.. my first step to change..bcoz bg aku..people change in order to make life better than yesterday....
yeah i know i am not an excellent student kan..biasa2 ja.. ala.. mcm org ckp ''rilek luu.".. tpi pasaii rilek2 ne lar aku jd "stupid" kan..well aku dilhirkn dalam adik beradik yg excellent semuanya..but aku.. the last one..ank bongsu "apa pun xda la''..sedey... napa aku jadi mcm ne??.. klu nak ckp the high expectation yang aku perna buat pun just "SPM"..  and now study DIPLOMA USM??.. tpi still lg d pandang rendah!!... ntala.. aku pun xtau npa dorg expect tggi sgt tuk aku... why not>> i be the person that i like to be...?.. knpa perlu decide everthing tuk aku..mmmmm.....(review from my past)... 
by now??..i want to be excellent and thats my points,,,but,,, how??>.... its hard for me mum and dad to be the one you want me to be... i know u all always support me right.. but... there is time that i want to make something that u will feel proud of me.. yeah dlu time skola kan.. your daughter always make mistake and always make u feel shame... but from now and soo on.. i will make it clear that i will study study study to make u see that you daughter trying to hard to make u feel that....i love u so much mum and dad... i dont know why i feel so anxious for making this dream come true.. its mybe because i think that i dont have any strength,... but i will try harder ok... dont worry... i miss u mum and dad...

tiba2 teringat my word and my promise before masuk USM hari tu... knapa tiba2 terigt ar... mybe sbb aku rindu dgn my mum dgn my dad... they give me strength to survive my life as a student usm.. mmg susah study kt cni.. smua org pandai2 kan.. aku ne apala sgt... nta la rasa rendah diri pla kan..  tpi tu bukan halangan aku tuk jalani hidup aku skrg ne... even though mmg bnyak keja and bnyak lg aku perlu belajar.. but i will do it slowly ok... i hope that my mum and dad tggu kepulangan your anakanda ok...  
>1 years from now for my diploma..
>5 years for my bachelor degree + my experience as a junior and senior nurses... 
>1 years for my post basic study... 
>2 years for my master study...
>2 years for my PHD... 
>1 year for my DR and PROF title...
InsyaALLAH....amin... DoAkan ankanda ya.... i love u so much mum and dad...
p/s....anakanda tulis ne sbb nak my mum and dad tahu.. yg anakanda akan cuba sedaya upaya k...     
i will make u proud of me...^___^
Thats My Dream...............


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